Installations & Performances

2022 Insect light: sound installation with 14 loudspeakers (Audain Gallery, University of Victoria)

2006 Madame Wu said…: 300+ page (music) installation with piano trio (Art Gallery of Greater Victoria) (12h)

2004 Pavilion of Heavenly Trousers: 603-page hand-written text installation with 27h recorded voice (Art Gallery of Greater Victoria)

1983 20 Secrets: text by C. Butterfield: multi-media work for film, speaker and tape (9’) (Western Front, Vancouver) (9’)

1983 Music for Firing Squad: performance with tape and electric organ (60’) (ARC Gallery, Toronto) (60’)

1982 Lecture: performance for speaker, tape, oscillators, bassoon; text by C. Butterfield (Mercer Union, Toronto) (27’)

1980 My World as I Remember It, Part 4: multi-media work for cassette tape and wall-drawing; text by C. Butterfield (45’) (YYZ Gallery, Toronto) (45’) 

1980 My World as I Remember It, Part 3: 8mm film with found soundtrack (Music Gallery, Toronto) (6’)

1980 Garbage: wall installation with loudspeaker at AKA Gallery, Toronto (under pseudonym Isabel Foote)

1980 Killing Off the Past: performance with eggs; text by C. Butterfield (Concordia University,  Montreal)

1979 My World as I Remember It, Part 1: outdoor installation for loudspeaker with cassette tape (Mercer Union, Toronto)

1979 Krapp’s Last Tape: one-man play by Samuel Beckett, produced, directed, designed and acted by C. Butterfield (Concordia University, Montreal; Music Gallery, Toronto; SUNY Fredonia, NY) (60’)