Conducting repertoire

Bedford, D: Music for Albion Moonlight

Berg, A: Kammerkonzert

Boulez, P: Le Marteau sans maître

Brant, H: Concerto for Trumpet

Busoni, F: Berceuse Elégiaque

Butterfield, C: The Mechanics of Desire, Lullaby, Convoy PQ17, Omar Khayyam in Belfast

Bryars, G: Jesus’ Blood Never Failed Me Yet

Cage, J: Imaginary Landscapes No. 5, Concerto for Prepared Piano and Orchestra

Feldman, M: The Viola in My Life 2, Rothko Chapel, Christian Wolff in Cambridge

Genge, A: Variations for Orchestra

Gorecki, H: Three Pieces in the Old Style

Hauer, J.M: Zwölftonspiel

Höstman, A: Ghosts of Swallows

Janàček, L: Řikadla (Nursery Rhymes), Capriccio

Kagel, M: 1898

Kasemets, U: The Eight Houses of the I Ching

Killmayer, W: Sinfonie Nr. 2 “Ricordanze”

Komorous, R: Rossi, Lurid Bride, Li Ching Chao Madrigals, Eve Blossom Has Wheels

Korndorf, N: The Eyes of Maud Lewis

Ligeti, G: Lux Aeterna

Milhaud, D: La Création du monde, Le Boeuf sur le toît, Petite Symphonie No. 2 “Pastorale”, L’Homme et son désir

Miller, C: O Zomer!

Messiaen, O: O Sacrum Convivium

Mumma, G: Orait

Rabe, F: Rondes

Rychlik, J: Africký Cyklus

Rzewski, F: Moonrise with Memories

Satie, E: Messe des pauvres

Schafer, M: The Greatest Show, The Crown of Ariadne, Requiems for the Party Girl

Schoenberg, A: Pierrot Lunaire, Serenade op. 24

Stravinsky, I: Concerto for Piano and Winds

Tallis, T: Spem in Alium (40-part motet)

Tenney, J: Critical Band

Underhill, O: D Moon 3

Ustvolskaya, Composition No. 2 “Dies Irae”

Varese, E: Intégrales, Octandre, Ecuatorial

Vivier, C: Et je reverrai cette ville étrange, Pulau Dewata

Webern, A: Sinfonie op.21, Konzert op.24

Weill, K: Little Threepenny Music

Wolff, C: Braverman Music